Kappa Sigma Beta-Rho
University of Iowa
Previous Leaders
Jordan Kloewer
Grand Master - 2015
Jordan Kloewer served as the third Grand Master of Beta - Rho. He was elected in December of 2014, and lead during the 2015 year with Vice Presidents Brock Hoffman and Grant Miller. During his term, Jordan's efforts as Grand Master-- primarily through strikingly successful recruitment events and effective additions to the chapter's administrative policy-- widely laid the groundwork for the accomplishments that have pushed Beta-Rho to its current prestige. His administration is extensively credited with transforming the chapter's functionality and mentality from a new fraternity with little recognition to a competent and compelling organization possessing characteristics that emulated the chapters who dominate Greek Life. Jordan is most proud of the 31 man pledge class acquired in the Fall of 2015 (among the largest at the University of Iowa, and by far the largest of any other un-housed fraternity), the chapter's improved GPA, and strong brotherly bonds created during his time as Grand Master. Jordan is planning on graduating the University of Iowa in May 2017, and has accepted the position of Consulting Analyst for Cerner Co. in Kansas City after graduation.

John Marisie
Grand Master - 2014
John Marisie served as the second Grand Master of Beta-Rho. He was elected in the fall of 2013, and lead during the 2014 year with Vice Presidents Steven Moioffer and Tommy Goodell. John is one of, if not thee, most influential member Beta-Rho has ever had. He was widely renowned for his tremendous leadership and communication abilities as an administrator, along with a strong dedicated mentality as a brother who put everything he had into Beta-Rho's development. His administration was far and wide responsible for managing the colony throughout our chartering process, and pushing Beta-Rho to become recognized by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity's national organization and University of Iowa as an official Greek Chapter. John's administration managed to drive the colony to complete the necessary requirements for a charter in record time, and their efforts resulted in 56 men-- currently known as the founding fathers of Beta-Rho-- becoming initiated into the order of Kappa Sigma, and Beta-Rho's official recognition as a Greek Chapter on March 29, 2014. John continues to maintain his involvement in Beta-Rho as a member of the Housing Corporation and volunteer advisor for the chapter. He currently works as an Account Executive for Medix Staffing Solutions in Chicago, IL.

Danny Henderson
Grand Master - 2013
Danny Henderson served as Beta-Rho's first Grand Master when the organization was beginning to develop as a colony. He lead during the 2013 year with Vice Presidents Steven Moioffer and Tommy Goodell. Danny's administration was largely in charge of laying the groundwork for the colonization process to occur, and facilitating the connections that allowed Beta-Rho to complete the requirements with unmatched tenacity. The influence resulting from the tireless work of Henderson, Moioffer, and Goodell through their terms as administrators had inspiring effects on the colony's members, and ultimately shaped the image and mentality of Beta-Rho that is prevalent in the organization to this day. Danny is most proud of the recruiting efforts made by the colony during his time in office, most notably the events that resulted in the addition of many of Beta-Rho's most influential members such as John Marise. Danny currently works as a General Manager for the Global Brew Tap House in Des Moines, IA.

3rd Grand Master
2nd Grand Master
1st Grand Master
4th Grand Master
Tom Maigaard
Grand Master - 2016
Tom Maigaard was elected the fourth Grand Master of Beta-Rho in December of 2015, and lead the chapter during the 2016 year with Vice Presidents Nathan Tilka and Tyler Welter . During his term, Kappa Sigma successfully acquired a newly renovated chapter structure at 716 N Dubuque St, which undertook its first group of 20 live-in members in the fall of 2016. Additionally, Beta-Rho successfully broke the 100 man mark in 2016, received a Champion's Quest award from the Kappa Sigma Fraternity's national organization, and was awarded a Certificate of Excellence in values congruence and accountability from the University of Iowa. Tom is most proud of the plethora of opportunities in brotherhood and campus notoriety that resulted from the efforts of his administration, along with the opportunity to work and connect with notable Beta-Rho alumni such as Dennis Kooker and Steven Moioffer during the housing process. Tom is currently pursuing a degree in Leadership and Management with a minor in Human Physiology from the University of Iowa.

Grant Murphy
Grand Master - 2017
Grant Murphy was elected as Beta-Rho's 5th Grand Master in December of 2016. He will lead the chapter during the 2017 year with Vice Presidents Bryce Miller and Brendan McDonnell. Murphy will be in charge of a chapter composed of 100+ men, the development and utilization of a new chapter structure, and expansion of administrative policy to effectively accommodate the fastest growing social fraternity at the University of Iowa. He also plans on implementing increased focus on the facets of the organization dealing with alumni relations, academic achievement, and communication with the chapter's advisors. He is from Morton, IL and is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the Tippie College of Business at Iowa.
5th Grand Master